Time Percentage Calculator
This time percentage calculator allows you to determine the percentage of one period of time compared to another.
How to use the calculator: Enter the two periods of time you wish to compare and click on the "Calculate" button to obtain the results.
Time Percentage (%) = ( Time A [sec] / Time B [sec] ) × 100
Time A [sec] = Seconds + 60 × Minutes + 3600 × Hours + 86400 × Days
Time B [sec] = Seconds + 60 × Minutes + 3600 × Hours + 86400 × Days
Example: What percentage of 5 minutes is 30 seconds?
There are 300 seconds in 5 minutes (60 sec × 5 = 300 sec.)
Divide 30 seconds by 300 seconds, and you get 0.1, which is equal to 10%.
As such, 30 seconds is 10% of 5 minutes.
Conversion Factors
1 min = 60 sec
1 hour = 60 min = 3600 sec
1 day = 24 hours = 86400 sec
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