Net Worth Calculator: Calculate Your Personal Net Worth

You can use this net worth calculator to evaluate your current net worth. This gives you an indication of the overall strength of your finances. Your net worth is the difference between the total value of everything you own (your assets) and the total value of everything you owe (your debts). This calculator computes the difference between everything you own and everything you owe.

What is Your Net Worth?

Your net worth is the difference between the total value of your assets (everything you own) and your liabilities (everything you owe).

An asset can include cash or investments. For example, cars, property, valuable jewelry, cash in the bank, etc.

Your liabilities are what you owe against those assets or in general; for example, mortgages, car loans, loans from a friend or parents, student loan debt, credit cards, etc.

By calculating your net worth, you get a good overall indication of your financial health because you can determine exactly how much money you would have if you were to sell off all your assets and pay off any money you owe. Every financial action you take should have the objective of increasing your net worth by either reducing your debt or increasing your assets.

Net Worth Calculator

What You Own - Assets, $

+ Add Item

Total Assets: $0

What You Owe - Liabilities, $

+ Add Item

Total Liabilities: $0


Total Net Worth: $0

Net Worth Formula

Total Assets − Total Liabilities = Net Worth

Determining Your Net Worth

It is pretty easy to determine your net worth.

  1. Create a list of everything you own; i.e., all your assets, and add them up.
  2. Create a list of everything you owe; i.e., all your debts, and add them up.
  3. Subtract the total value of everything you owe from the total value of everything you own.

For example, if you have assets that are worth $65,000 in total and you owe $32,000. Your total net worth is $33,000:
$65,000 - $32,000 = $33,000

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