Small Business Rate Relief Calculator

If you only use one property and it has a rateable value lower than £15,000 then Small Business Rate Relief is applicable to you.

However, if you have multiple properties you are only able to get Small Business Rate Relief if the rateable value of each of the properties is below £2,900 and the total rateable value of all properties is below £20,000 (or in Greater London £28,000).

In this specific case, the rateable values have been added together and any of the rate relief is to be applied to the main property.

With a value of up to £12,000 the rate relief is to be 100%. With a value of between £12,001 and £15,000 the rate will gradually fall from 100% to 0%.

Note that if you have a property with a rateable value of below £20,000 (£28,000 in Greater London), then you are considered as a small business.

Your rates will be calculated using a Small Business multiplier if you are someone who Is considered a small business but are not eligible for a Small Business Rate Relief. This applies even if you own multiple properties.

You may also like to try our Capital Gains Tax Calculator

Small Business Rate Relief Calculator
If you only use one business property
Rateable Value Rateable value of the property
Small Business Rate Relief Small Business Rate Relief Calculation Results

Small Business Multiplier
If you are not eligible for Small Business Rate Relief and your rateable value is below £51,000
Rates for 2024/25 (Current Multipliers) England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
54.6% 49.9% 56.4% 51.5% 56.2%
If you are not eligible for Small Business Rate Relief and your rateable value is below £51,000
Rates for 2023/24 England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
51.2% 49.9% 52.4% 51.1% 53.5%
If you are not eligible for Small Business Rate Relief and your rateable value is below £51,000
Rates for 2022/23 England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
51.2% 49.9% 52.4% 51.1% 53.5%
If you are not eligible for Small Business Rate Relief and your rateable value is below £51,000
Rates for 2021/22 England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
51.2% 49.9% 52.0% 50.7% 53.5%
If you are not eligible for Small Business Rate Relief and your rateable value is below £51,000
Rates for 2020/21 England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
51.2% 49.9% 52.0% 50.7% 53.5%
If you are not eligible for Small Business Rate Relief and your rateable value is below £51,000
Rates for 2019/20 England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
50.4% 49.1% 50.4% 49.1% 52.6%
If you are not eligible for Small Business Rate Relief and your rateable value is below £51,000
Rates for 2018/19 England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
49.3% 48.0% 49.8% 48.5% 51.4%
If you are not eligible for Small Business Rate Relief and your rateable value is below £51,000
Rates for 2017/18 England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
47.9% 46.6% 48.4% 47.1% 49.9%
If you are not eligible for Small Business Rate Relief and your rateable value is below £18,000 (or £25,500 in Greater London)
Rates for 2016/17 England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
49.7% 48.4% 50.2% 48.9% 48.6%
Rates for 2015/16 England City of London Wales
Standard Small Business Standard Small Business Standard
49.3% 48.0% 49.7% 48.4% 48.2%

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