Body Adiposity Index (BAI) Calculator

Our calculator provides users with a simple and speedy method for calculating their body adiposity index, or BAI. After determining your BAI, you can then see where you lie on the classification table and whether your BAI is considered healthy or below or above the normal range. This tool is ideal for anyone interested in maintaining good health and fitness.


First, choose your sex and age range. Next, provide the measurements for your height and the circumference of your hips in either inches or centimeters. Finally, click on the "Calculate BAI" button.

BAI Calculator


BAI: Definition

An individual's body adiposity index, or BAI, tells them how much of the total mass of their body is made up exclusively of fat by comparing their height to the size of their hips. BAI does not rely on body weight as an indicator, which distinguishes this measurement from the more well-known body mass index, or BMI. Research examining adult women and men of various ethnicities has found that one's BAI is around the same as their body fat percentage.

In general, people are motivated to use a tool such as the BAI Calculator because they are worried that their BAI could be above the healthy range. However, having a BAI that is below this range should be of equal concern. Underneath our calculator you will find a BAI classification table to help you understand where your BAI falls and whether, according to this calculation, you are considered overweight or obese, healthy or underweight.

BAI: Calculation Formula

Our calculator applies the formula below to determine your BAI:

BAI [% body fat] = ( Hip Circumference [cm] / (Height [m] )1.5 ) − 18

Reference: Bergman, R.N., Stefanovski, D., Buchanan, T.A., Sumner, A.E., Reynolds, J.C., Sebring, N.G., Xiang, A.H. and Watanabe, R.M. (2011), A Better Index of Body Adiposity. Obesity, 19: 1083-1089.


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