Tax and NI Calculator for 2024/25 Tax Year

This Tax and NI Calculator will provide you with a forecast of your salary as well as your National Insurance Contributions for the tax year of 2024/25.

Enter your Salary and click "Calculate" to see how much Tax you'll need to Pay

Income Tax & NI Calculator

* Please tick this option if you or your spouse were born before 6 April 1935

  Yearly Monthly Weekly Hourly
Personal Allowance
Tax paid
NI contribution
Total deduction
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previous year

How Is Tax Calculated?

Unless you are earning over £125,140 then your tax is calculated by simply taking your Personal Allowance amount away from your income. Once your Personal Allowance has been taken away, the remaining amount will be taxed and your Personal Allowance will be left tax free. However, if you earn over £125,140 then you are not granted Personal Allowance.

For example, if you are earning an annual income of £30,000 and you have a Personal Allowance of £12,570 per year, then £30,000 minus the £12,570 is a total of £17,430. The £17,430 is the only money that will be taxed, and will be taken as a percentage. National Insurance Contributions will be taken from your overall income though, unless you have already reached the state pension age. Any National Insurance costs are taken as a percentage, provided that your salary is above £242 each week, or £12,570 per year.

Income Tax Bands & Rates

Tax Rate 2023/24 2024/25
Basic Rate 20% £0 - £37,700 £0 - £37,700
Higher Rate 40% £37,700 - £125,140 £37,700 - £125,140
Additional Rate 45% Over £125,140 Over £125,140

What is Personal Allowance?

Personal Allowance is the amount of money which is a part of your income although is not influenced by any taxing making it completely tax free. Starting on April of 2016, regardless of their age everyone will receive the same amount of Personal Allowance.

Tax Calculations

Click to view a salary illustration and print as required.

Tax Calculations

Click to view a salary illustration and print as required.

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