Body Surface Area Calculator
This Body Surface Area (BSA) Calculator helps you estimate the body surface area based on body weight and height. The calculator employs the most well-known equations to calculate BSA.
To calculate your body surface area, follow these simple steps:
- 1. Select your measurement system (imperial or metric)
- 2. If needed, select your gender
- 3. Enter your current weight and height
- 4. Select the equation you would like to use
- 5. Click on the "Calculate" button to observe the results.
Average Body Surface Area Values | ||
Adult Men | 1.9 m2 | |
Adult Women | 1.6 m2 | |
Child (12-13 years) | 1.33 m2 | |
Child (10 years) | 1.14 m2 | |
Child (9 years) | 1.07 m2 | |
Child (2 years) | 0.5 m2 | |
Neonate | 0.25 m2 |
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The equations to compute BSA are listed below:
The Du Bois equation
BSA [m2] = 0.007184 × weight[kg] 0.425 × height[cm] 0.725
The Mosteller equation
BSA [m2] = 0.016667 × weight[kg] 0.5 × height[cm] 0.5
The Haycock equation
BSA [m2] = 0.024265 × weight[kg] 0.5378 × height[cm] 0.3964
The Gehan & George equation
BSA [m2] = 0.0235 × weight[kg] 0.51456 × height[cm] 0.42246
The Boyd equation
BSA [m2] = 0.03330 × weight[kg] (0.6157 - 0.0188 × log10(weight[kg])) × height[cm] 0.3
The Takahira equation
BSA [m2] = 0.007241 × weight[kg] 0.425 × height[cm] 0.725
The Schlich equation
Women: BSA [m2] = 0.000975482 × weight[kg] 0.46 × height[cm] 1.08
Men: BSA [m2] = 0.000579479 × weight[kg] 0.38 × height[cm] 1.24
1. Mosteller RD. Simplified calculation of body-surface area. N Engl J Med. 1987 Oct 22; 317(17):1098.
2. Du Bois D, Du Bois EF. A formula to estimate the approximate surface area if height and weight be known. 1916. Nutrition. 1989 Sep-Oct; 5(5):303-11.